
Kristine sells TENAGA 8.64: Tenaga climbs, shrugs off worries of weaker ringgit - The Star Online

Tenaga climbs, shrugs off worries of weaker ringgit The Star Online We estimate that every 1% depreciation of the ringgit vis -à- vis US dollar and yen will translate into RM27mil and RM37mil of translation loss to the group's bottomline," it sai... (more)

Date Volume High Low Close
29.8.13            --    - 912358.658.55 8.64
28.8.13            ------- 2032898.648.45 8.61
27.8.13           ---- --- 2167578.668.54 8.63
26.8.13           ---   -- 1128998.678.55 8.65
23.8.13            ---  -- 1013348.648.51 8.55
22.8.13          ----- --- 1883468.748.50 8.52
21.8.13     ---         -- 1076818.988.86 8.86
20.8.13     ---         -- 1198378.978.88 8.97
19.8.13 -------          - 883129.188.90 8.97
16.8.13     ---            582448.998.90 8.97
15.8.13     --          -- 1327708.998.95 8.99
14.8.13    --           -- 1269139.038.98 8.99
13.8.13    ---          -- 980109.048.92 8.99
12.8.13     ---          - 919849.018.87 8.92
7.8.13     --             499528.968.91 8.93
6.8.13     --           - 643278.988.92 8.95
5.8.13    --            - 670459.048.98 9.00
2.8.13 -----          --- 1531869.288.99 8.99
1.8.13    ----         -- 1341999.038.90 8.98
31.7.13     ----       --- 1813158.978.83 8.89

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KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 19): Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) has given assurance that the proposed electricity tariff adjustment, if it were approved by the government, will not burden consumers. In fact, TNB president and chief executive officer, Datuk Seri Ir Azm... (more)
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I am a down to earth female and single mother of 2 beautiful kids. I'm a gamer chick and I love horror movies. I am looking for a sweet, loyal, and funny guy. I really want someone between the ages of 21-26. I LOVE tats and piercings. Please have a job and your own car. I am a bigger girl but if you give me a chance I will prove that I am worth your attention. If this interests you email me with a pic and your favorite movie in the subject line. ... (more)

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